1) the aforementioned anti-indigestion concoction (about 1/2 teaspoon per 8 oz glass)
2) instead of using chemical laden shower products, you can use a fistful of baking soda in lieu of shampoo. it sounds weird but my friend told me about this and I tried it... it made my hair feel nice! simply rub it into your scalp and let it work its magic!
3) as toothpaste. whitens your teeth really nicely
4) in cat litter boxes as an anti-odor agent
5) all purpose cleaning. ran outta Ajax for bathroom cleaning? use baking soda
6) to entertain kids when mixed with vinegar (you already knew this but hey... classic)
7) to send to your friends in envelopes as a "bio hazard" scare (do so responsibly). once i was forced to use powered sugar for this purpose. the desired effect was not reached, it was a sticky mess all over my buddies desk in her dorm room
8) as a cleaning aid in the laundry... adding 1/2 cup of baking soda changes the PH of your detergent and makes your whites whiter and brights brighter (slogan not stolen, borrowed). make sure you add detergent too, however, it is in addition to the detergent. i have not tried this, i will need to!
9) put a couple teaspoons in water to wash the pesticides off your fruits and veggies
10) to sooth itching and redness from bug bites or minor rashes (for major rashes, step away from your computer and call a health professional).
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